7 Essential Elderly Care Tips for Geriatric Patients - Vesta Elder Care Beware of scammers!!! Vesta Elder Care accepts payments only via its app. Please call at +91-8882545454 on a regular call before making any payment and verify the credentials of the representative you are in touch with.

7 Essential Elderly Care Tips for Geriatric Patients

Taking care of geriatric patients needs a whole-person approach to make life better for them. From medicine and illness management to health checks and mental health support, geriatric care also includes emotional support through counseling and caregivers that can lighten the load on families. 

If you have a geriatric patient at home and are wondering how to take care of them in the wake of growing health problems, here are 7 essential tips that can help:

Consider In-Home Care

Find healthcare providers willing to offer complete care within the home setting. At Vesta Elder Care, we offer several resources for the elderly and their family members seeking home care options. Check out our services, like nursing care, elder care companions, ICU setup at home, doctor consultations, and different care packages to find the right support for your elderly. Embrace open communication with our healthcare providers, ask questions, and seek required assistance to offer exceptional in-home care to your senior family members.

Ensure Proper Medicine Management

Taking the right medicines on time ensures the elderly well-being. So, whether your elderly family member is suffering from a chronic illness or minor injury, never skip medicines or take them lightly. Get a detailed schedule of the medicines the geriatric patient needs to take and adhere to it by all means. Remember, your elderly’s body won’t be able to heal or recover completely without medicines even if they are under expert care.

Encourage Socialisation

Incorporate socialization into the elderly’s self-care routine. This is specifically important because age-related loneliness can be a major cause of depression. Having a social circle of loved ones offers a great human experience and benefits the elderly’s mental health. It releases endorphins, enhances mood, and helps combat depression. Encourage the elderly to stay in touch with neighbors and people around. Suggest they join groups with similar interests. 

Make the Most of Modern Technology

Use modern technology to enhance the elderly’s at-home care experience and streamline their recovery. This includes Face Timing appointments with doctors or using safety monitoring systems to coordinate proper care networks.

A perfect example would be using our online doctor consultation services that can help you book doctor appointments from the comforts of your home. The doctors use dedicated software solutions to check vitals and measure blood pressure and heart rate in real time. Our virtual consultations are like hospital visits, helping the elderly recover comfortably.

Mindful Communication is the Key

Learn and practice mindful communication with a geriatric patient. Use online resources and tools to discuss available treatments and the options they would like to go with. Do not feel impatient when dealing with them; speak slowly and give them time to process what is being said or asked. Mindful communication reduces stress, conflicts, and misunderstandings during elderly interactions. It also helps maintain a cheerful mind and promotes good interpersonal relations.

Rest and Movement are Equally Important

The National Sleep Foundation suggests that adults above 65 years of age must get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep each night. Therefore, if your elderly family member experiences difficulty sleeping, consult a doctor. You can also explore the services of our care providers that can help geriatric patients with sleep disorders and other medical considerations. Their professional care can get your elderly back to those required hours of sleep every night.

Proper movement is equally crucial for the elderly. Mild exercises, like walking and swimming, can help build and maintain the elderly’s physical abilities. This can further help them go about their daily living activities easily, creating a sense of confidence, pride, and increased independence.

Offer a Well-Balanced Diet

Always provide senior people with a balanced diet to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. They must eat whole grains and lean proteins, along with lots of vegetables and fruits in every meal. Another important tip here is to make small changes in the elderly diet, like reducing their intake of added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat.


These are some of the most important elderly care tips for geriatric patients. And when it comes to putting these tips into action, you may require some assistance. At Vesta Elder Care, you get top-notch in-home care. Contact us today to learn more!


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